Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brown grower, turquoise Africa, 0 to 3 months

I'm loving brown combos at the moment, and it seems you are too – I don't have any long-sleeve brown growers in 0 to 3 months left! Hope to get more stock soon.
Price: R120

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shirt for Karlee

It's my niece Karlee's birthday next week, so I made her this shirt, which will be on its way to Michigan tomorrow. Wish I could be there to celebrate, little pumpkin.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blue (and brown) for boys

I've been playing around with combinations of fabric and growers, and dug up these pieces with blue and brown in them. What do you think? Not the best of light, but trust me - they're fab!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blue for girls

I was putting together fabric options for someone who wants something a little different for a baby girl, and had to share this with you. Some of my favourite fabric!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Crazy Aunt Company - PTY ltd

True story, I swear: just as I'd finished typing up this post's title, an ad came on the telly - the one for Nedbank, where a man wearing scrubs bursts out of a delivery room and shouts, "It's a [insert dramatic pause] PTY limited!"
And that, dear readers, is exactly why I'm writing. Today Marc picked up the registration certificates for The Crazy Aunt Clothing Company. All papers signed (in black ink), stamps stamped, registrations registered.
Crazy Aunt is now officially a company. Look out clothing world, here we come!